Thursday, August 31, 2017

sick day with star gazing success(144/365a)

Theodore pointed out it was our first day with canned goods. I just felt like not cooking so much, and I made up some kind of corn-flour dumpling, and threw them in some canned tomatoes that had been hiding under a table in the hut.

We never went down to the brook today, since Felix was feeling sick, and lay down in the sun for a rest, which ended up being several hours.... :(
pouvre petit Felix!
meanwhile plenty of hammering and sawing were happening

I got a terrible sunburn on my neck fiddling in the sun.
Then I got a terrible crick in my neck from staring up at the stars.
i might need umm... some... night-time photography practice

Finally success. The world's best book on learning about the stars is by H.A.Rey the creator of Curious George. But it is not just for kids. I can now find constellations and understand why the planets are found near constellations of the zodiac. I can read star charts. I can identify important stars.

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