Saturday, September 16, 2017

pajama saturday (161/365a)

wanted to go for a nice bike trip and spend the day outside but it was rainy and cold and the kids asked if we could just stay in our pajamas. Fine by me. At the end of the day, Henry asked "Why" we didn't pump up the bicycle tires and go for a ride, haha.

Instead we just looked around for little projects. I did weed the herb garden in the rain, but other than that we just played around and crafted and sang.
Theodore made a battery out of coins and tin foil and paper dipped in salt and vinegar.

it worked!

Then Nina came over and we did hours of origami and chatting before we watched a movie and sent the kids to sleep. I made an origami fortune teller that said I would "find cake" but I didn't. I guess it didn't say "when" ... instead we had popcorn and sturm and quite a delightful netflix evening watching the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt after we figured out a ton of things netflix doesn't have.

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