Friday, September 29, 2017

relaxed friday (174/365a)

Today was *supposed* to be date morning with Brian, but I have caught the cough/cold. yuck.

The morning was crazy frantic. At 6:30, Brian nudged me to let me know we forgot to prepare dinner for the entire kindergarten (our job once a month) - so I went shopping, cooked, packed and got it done before 8. Phew. Drove up and back and gave up on the idea of going out to eat. 
i could make a whole book of Theodore reading in funny places....
Instead spent the morning doing social media for my quintet, and wishing I was sleeping haha.

Afternoon was so wonderful, relaxed and fun. Reading, bath, practicing, playground. Girl's night was cancelled because Jackie was sick. Someone at the playground pointed out that she would "never" tell her husband that her evening plans were cancelled - she would just go out anyway. I would normally both tell him, and go out anyway, but .......too sick. :(

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