Wednesday, September 13, 2017

getting back into the swing of things (158/365a)

It's strange to be back but also fun. Fun to see faces and places that are the same but different. Felix was on strike from kindergarten, but I ignored that, left him with his schedule-flexible aunt and went off to meet with Barbara over a 0carb breakfast which was extremely yummy. We talked about ideas and how to make them come true for our quintet.

Chorus time for Felix. Luckily Theodore went with him, so Felix didn't strike that. Andi took them all and I biked along for the ride, and for the coffee... Michi and Andi and I had a lively discussion that ranged all over the political spectrum, including a lot about taxes and social equality.
Andi with only some of the kids :)
....and Nina's back from her US trip. I wanted to go out on a jetlagged night on the town, but I was lazy and just had a pajama party instead.
obligatory selfie
chatting panorama

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