Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Goodbye, Stringer Brook (149/365a)

I woke up at 4:30 this morning, with this strange feeling that Felix might be actually sick.... He may well have Lyme. We have been living among tall grasses and leaves, with deer and their associated ticks for months. The deer-ticks are about the size of a pencil-point, often confused for dirt/moles. I lay there in anxiety trying to decide what to do, especially as we are so far away from anything, even internet/phone use, and we have out-of-country insurance. We decided to pack up एकदम (ekdum, at once) and go to Worcester and deal with the problem there. I was sad to make that decision, especially as we had waited out such a long rainy day yesterday, and today was so perfect, cloudless, warm and wonderful.
Goodbye, Stringer Brook!

It was sad to say goodbye to the hut. We took down the list of "things we want to do before we leave" with many many things still undone or unfinished on it. We made only a small fire for breakfast, and didn't have our full clothes-burning-ceremony that we had hoped for. Felix sat in the car for an hour an a half lethargic and uninterested in the proceedings. We knew we were forgetting things, but we felt an urgency to leave quickly.
what are we burning mama?
some old pants, of course! just to say we burned at least one thing.
taking down the clothes-line.
felix waited for us, for hours, in the car, without much energy

We arrived too late in Worcester for the doctor, but we planned out where we would go for tomorrow. We all took long hot baths! It was a perfect night to sit on the porch and watch the moon with a glass of wine. We even listened to Holst's Venus and Mars.

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