Wednesday, September 27, 2017

photos courtesy of nina (172/365a)

have been very photo unmotivated lately.

Luckily Nina was here to save the day...

The topic we discussed over chocolate and coffee after dinner was... LOVE.

What qualifies as love, and why do people associate certain things with love when the opposite would truly show feeling.... associate candy with love and an apple with deprivation when candy brings bad health and apples good health. That's just the start of a larger theory of life, the universe and everything.

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Felix, the apple monster.
a makeshift memorial with a quote about love
Somehow I thought this was very apt to find randomly, although I disagree entirely with the sentiment.

The quote: "Du hast verstanden? Du hast verziehen? Du hast vergessen? Welch ein Missverständnis! Du hast nur aufgehört zu lieben" -Arthur Schnitzler
"You understood? You forgave? You forgot? What a misunderstanding! You only stopped loving"

I think love is all about understanding and forgiveness - and about letting people be free to make mistakes and turn away even when it's hard to do!

Ran to the elternabend late with a gigantic new knife in my bag and several other things that I bought while running errands with Nina on an expedition in case we had to take Felix who was on the verge of throwing a tantrum about going to choir.

I've been desperately tired all day and I'm looking forward to curling up reading the book I'm borrowing from Manuela about "thinking fast and slow" by daniel kahneman.....

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