Monday, September 18, 2017

diese pünktlichkeit wird nicht genehmigt (163/365a)

some impressive misses when it comes to getting places today, in spite of me being ready.

two rehearsals - one in the morning i got to a half hour late. one in the evening i got to an hour after it ended. oh well.

a cold wet day today, and i could never quite get warm. i made soup for dinner, and the kids complained that there was "no" dinner. funny.

[random aside: i just remembered that when i was in the US on the 7th of September they had Christmas decorations all over sam's club.]

it's strange how one minute my kids can be beating each other for no reason and the next they are teaching each other and being gentle.
henry and felix teaching each other
i still have the cold i brought back on the airplane, and that, combined with sleep deprivation, is making me a bit rambly and punchy in the evenings. it's also making me coughy - though i wish it were coffee.
ramblings of a crazy brain

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