Tuesday, September 26, 2017

practice doing nothing (171/365a)

steep stairs to go up and down in your sleep
I did nothing this morning, and it was a little terrible. My new computer doesn't have facebook blocked (yet) and I got sucked in. New Facebook page for our group, united intonations, seems like it's starting strong Also into the news. And other things. Some of them were productive, but not nearly enough to warrant the time spent on them.

The afternoon I spent in a doctors office and practicing my viola until it was time for bed.

I'm so grateful that my kids are so independent, playing alone while I practice, doing their homework while I pick up Felix (who is himself also independent of course!) from kindergarten etc.

Brian and I went for a nice walk to Akdag (the turkish market) to get packaged veggie Ramen. We enjoyed it with gluten free beer, which Brian just wanted to try to see if it was different. We decided it wasn't very different.

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