Friday, September 22, 2017

Plain fun Friday (167/365a)

Tried to kidnap Nina from work today, but she remained busy. Never fear, I shall accomplish it someday. (alles gute!!)

The afternoon was lots and lots of gardening which made my arms and back tired but didn't make that big of a dent in all the work that needs to get done. Then the cool playground where Fritz fixed Theodore's bicycle and Jackie and I sat around the campfire. with some other parents and some kids. I love that place!

I escaped in the evening to Michi's place for some good chats mostly involving the intricate details of psychotherapy. cool! On the way home I looked up at the stars and saw some constellations which really felt like seeing some old friends. I don't think I'll ever feel alone on a clear night again.

At home Brian was already asleep by the reading light.... 

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