Monday, September 4, 2017

rainy day contra (148/365a)

the last thing brian said before we went to sleep last night: "Tomorrow is Sunday, even if it rains."


we awoke to pouring rain, and i considered using propane, but NO. I REFUSE.
So i built a little rain screen, collected wet wood, created a fire, and when it was hot, i made breakfast, lunch AND dinner on it. That's a little bit of an exaggeration. While I drank coffee, Brian made the lunch.

We cooked three meals at once for two reasons:
 1. we didn't want to have to build that fire again in the rain with even wetter wood!
 2. we were planning on being gone in the middle of the day at open-mic contra. :)

Brian told me to smile. :) it took hours for me to warm back up, even after i dried off.
brian mastering the art of flatbread
we spent the morning inside drawing and writing and reading (and of course eating!) Brian's bread was voted officially the best we've baked here. Maybe it has to do with the extreme outdoor humidity?

Felix mostly slept. I'm very worried about him. He has been lethargic, and hasn't complained of any pain, but seems to be happiest sleeping and cuddling.

Off to Fayetteville we traveled. Brian danced, and I played. The kids ran in circles around the hall and whooped and shouted and yelled. Well, except for Felix who lay on a blanket nearly the whole time. :( I had so much fun playing with a wonderful mandolin player named John Kerr.
it looks like we are playing in an empty hall, but we're not! the dancers/callers are off to the side. true story.
The kids went right to sleep when we got home, but Brian ran out and got some cold hard cider from the closest gas station ("only" 5 miles away). We put the biggest log we had on the fire, and while we drank together and searched the cloudy sky for signs of light (even the moon was hidden behind layers and layers of clouds) we found out the older kids weren't asleep - they were standing and watching us from the doorway, haha. They came out and sat with us for a while.

Theodore: Once I saw a sign in a town, I don't really remember where, that had pictures of tires and said "ReTIRE with us".  That's silly.  People make jokes like that sometimes in the middle of towns on signs, don't they mama?
Mama: Sometimes they do..... I was just going to make a joke about going to bed, like, "it's time to retire".
Theodore: Retire for the day you mean? Because this day will never come again.

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