Monday, September 25, 2017

Very full Monday (170/365a)

Brian's back to work after a long break. I was at a gig from 8:30-2. A two-job working family. Now I know what other people have to do.

Brian cooked while I was out - yummm sweet potatoes from the farmer. Only one family at lendplatz has them, and he didn't have them the first year we were here. I guess there's not a large demand for them, but like many things, fresh is a thousand times better.

Felix and I went on a little walk on our own, stopping for fruit, and Felix was very proud to carry all of it, causing much smiling and comment along the way.
3 kilograms of fruit

At home I went for 3 individual bike rides, and we all decided that early bed time would behoove us all.

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