Saturday, September 2, 2017

A not-great day in paradise (146/365a)

Even paradise has its imperfections. Today should have been perfect but we were cranky (first x3 and then x5) "Wrong side of the bed" ..... Maybe it was waking up at 5:30 am to star gaze and finding the absolute perfectest sky to watch in the east with 9 new bright and beautiful constellations in full, complete with the Pleiades and venus rising. We woke Theodore up for that.
Wait, no, it couldn't have been that, since the other kids slept through all of that and woke up nice and chipper, and.... seemingly.... ready to fight.

Eventually the menfolk all left me alone and went apple picking in the gravel pit with the new applepicker that my mother had bought.
apple harvest
We went down to the brook and set up a fire on a little island, but the kids got too cold and cried a lot on the way up.

Who knows? Sometimes there are just days like that....
and little moments of joy still creep in. :)

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