Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Dear Doctor Day with Good News! (150/365a)

We're not jumpy parents that run to the doctor at any opportunity, but we went off, tried a walk-in clinic at 8am, when they opened, who told us to go to the emergency room. We thought that sounded silly and waited for the next walk-in clinic to open, which seemed like *forever* - till 1pm.

They told us it was probably not lyme, and probably nothing serious. Took blood to test him anyways, and we were in and out in no time. Hooray!
examining the stickers he was rewarded
i understand *why* but i just thought this was so funny
So glad there was nothing wrong with him, but it was exhausting nonetheless.

More exhausting was shopping later. I got lost driving around Worcester. The funny thing is, I didn't get lost in the city. I got lost when I had quite awesomely found my way to the highway. I drove around in spirals for a while, and ended up in so many wrong places. Oops. At least I bought a can of compressed air to fix my new (to me) laptop keyboard........

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad Felix is fine. I'm really looking forward to see you all in Graz! Have a safe trip back!
