Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sturm und Drang (166/365a)

In some sense a plain Thursday except that I was sooo happy that Brian was home again! Yay!

Glorious cooking adventure day. Finally I got to try to make "Drang" the logical accompaniment to "Sturm" the first wine of the season. Sturm is the ridiculously sweet wine in it's first fermentation.
"Sturm and Drang" the artistic movement called to us to invent something that would go with it. We played with various ideas, but decided that it had to be light, fluffy, seasonal and sweet.

We ended up with a hazelnut cake with traubenapfelquittengelee (it's german, so i can just smoosh the words together, right?) that was homemade by nina's mother.

The blurry party
Manuela came over, and Phil, and we had a completely impromptu party, listened to mozart k516 and drank and ate and talked till "late"

Sturm und Drang and a late-summer rose

1 comment:

  1. let's make it a tradition ;-)
    then next year you can explain the concept some more :->
    "But why?!?"
