Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Star-gazing failure (135/365a)

adorable astronomer husband.
We did fun things today, including building things and making clothes for stuffed animals out of pieces of old clothes. We got out the easel and painted. We also washed laundry, which is a long process over the fire. We played with smoke.
full of bugs in storage.

some of our creations
blurry dancing in the smoke

It was a very clear night, so we tried to "sight" the telescope, and look through it to see some stars. We didn't quite do it right.

I was practicing my fiddling when I heard a strange vehicle. Drew showed up! Too late to see the eclipse (which we had completely missed) although he had stopped at the side of the road and watched it through a colander.

We lay together three across in the field looking up trying to find cassiopeia and not succeeding. Oh well. It was lovely anyways and Brian and I fell asleep in the grass.

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