Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A beautiful day for laying around in the sun (116/365a)

Spent the morning on breakfast (first making fire, boiling water, adding oatmeal and some cinammon (the ultimate pioneer luxury))

Curious George made an appearance for good breakfast reading.
Fireside breakfast story
Brian and I put up a new clothesline. I washed clothes by hand, and wrung them out. The sun dried them in about 40 minutes.

Raaah! I can tie a knot!
Amanda and I headed to a hardware store in town and bought some outhouse supplies. We snuck a bag of potato chips and some candy on our ride home. We then brought a gigantic amount of dinner supplies down to the brook, and I made a delicious omelet with garden-fresh veggies over the fire. We took a long brook walk. Some took baths (thanks, Dr. Bronner!) Some took naps. We all had no camera. Brian went for his run, and brought back one, just as we were leaving.
Quick, take a picture to prove we were here!

I played a few fiddle songs while we found shoes and put them on.
My fiddle is missing a string.
The kids invented things to keep them busy.
fun game. Avoiding the hole in the ramp.

sawing - trying to perfect a new skill.

amanda and felix share a joke.

Kids did smoke writing with long sticks that they held in the fire

Soon the lower floor of the hut looked like this:
don't step on sleeping children!
and the adults spent the rest of the evening on Franzia boxed wine, and shortbread (that I brought from Graz, that Manuela brought from scotland!) and slovenian chocolate (from Mary's mother in law) and long chats about....... you know..... life.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing that is very worthy of photo documentation was the AMAZING creek-fire omelet that you made. WOW! That was pure skill! How can something so primitive taste soooo good?!?!?
