Sunday, August 13, 2017

Adam and Scott build a dam (126/365a)

I woke up super early and started the fire. It had died down by the time anybody else was up. It didn’t seem to want to start again, and boiling water and making coffee took forever. We headed down to 40-Cliff with all kinds of materials for dinner. A dozen eggs, tons of veggies, cheese, bread dough, watermelon, cast iron pan, and plates and utensils and water and a water filter. A whole heavy gigantic backpack FULL of STUFF.

Eww, with egg sack (Scott took the photo)
First there was a gigantic spider in the firepit (and I’m not that easy to startle)… After I got rid of him, It took a million years to start a fire. I blew and blew until I was dizzy. I used ten matches. It smoked, it caught, it burned, it died, over and over and over again. I had one match left, and I never had to use it. Finally with team work we got it. And boy was it hot. I baked flatbreads, and made eggs and we carried everything to the shady side of the brook and had a feast.
the picture can't convey the heat.
this is what i do: cook.
Meanwhile, the “menfolk” built a rock dam, so pretty and cute, and Henry built a raft. It was a nice time. A thunderstorm came through and we ran away just in time to watch the storm stop up here.

In the evening we had sage tea (from our garden) and pistachios, and watched the clouds cover and uncover the stars, and saw meteors falling.

building a raft

playing with a raft

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