Monday, August 28, 2017

So Sleepy (142/365a)

Despite hours and hours of extra sleep, Brian and I both took extended hammock naps. We were just so sleepy. On Brian's side, after running 50km the day before I can understand it, but on mine? Perhaps it is just sympathy.

We did transplant several thimble-berry bushes. We walked a half-mile down the road with the wagon, dug them out, and brought them back. Then pumped gallons and gallons of water into a leaky hose, and decided to use buckets instead. One more project done!
on the way there

on the way back

I started reading a Graham Greene novel that I can't seem to put down! It's a special copy that I'm borrowing from my sister and can't get dirty, so no fire-side reading. I have to hide inside to read, and yet it's totally worth it. :)

Another early night. I think we are caching sleep for later??

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