Friday, August 25, 2017

Drew decided to stay! Yay! (138/365a)

getting ready to go
Drew packed up in the morning... But then he didn't leave! Hooray. 
I went to town for a few necessities to use that chicken of the wood later. 
We spent the afternoon at the brook. And the evening on delicious soup. We made up new kids games, created see-saws, whittled, and philosophized.
napping with heart-bear
whittling and watermelon chopping
a natural chair.
a really whacky-colored caterpillar found on drew's hat
starting to carry the rock up the cliff. that's as far as he got.
before cooking

after cooking 


  1. I only recently learned that caterpillar hairs are sometimes poisonous... so you should not touch hairy ones, and try especially hard to not get any hairs into your eyes! this one seems to be a Pale Tussock moth, which in fact can cause skin irritation - I hope it left Drew and his hat in peace!

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    2. i know that from waldkindergarten. nobody touched it. ;)

      Thank you for the identification! cool to know! there are other weird insects here too, most of which we don't know.
