Saturday, August 26, 2017

Happy Morning, Party Afternoon (140/365a)

My parents had snuck in last night, along with Peter and Labeeby!
Making a cello-chair for Henry
Labeeby and Henry doing math and drawing.
The wood is "Nessie" - a naturally curved log Drew found in the forest that acts as a sofa at the top of the geo-dome.

hair and makeup department
After getting all prettied up we headed to the party.

Part of the party
Uncle Peter driving the golf-cart
theodore playing ball with my dad

Our 91-year-young aunt
I'm pretty antisocial sometimes, and it happened that today I was content to "hide" in a corner of the kitchen and only talk to people who happened by. We stayed late: poor Brian - he's signed up to do a 50km trail race tomorrow, and he has to leave at 5am.

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