Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Scallops on the Wine Porch (130/365a)

Picture will be delivered later. My brother borrowed the camera for a hike.

I got a one-time fiddle lesson from Rohan up in idyllic New Hampshire. Learned a lot of styles and ornamentations. A lot of the time was spent talking, looking at youtube videos, and walking around the grounds enjoying the architecture of old barns. Fiddling is not as easy at it looks, but I knew that, that's why I asked for some pointers. I want to start a contra in Graz with Brian, but there are still some hurdles to clear.

When I got back, my mother had bought scallops "for me" because at some point I had said that while I was in the US I wanted to "try *one*" ... because they are finniky to serve, and we hadn't really eaten a meal all at once, I dictatored a little bit, and said 10pm sharp on the porch. We heated a gigantic pink salt block for hours in the oven. At the appointed time I counted out the correct number of scallops, and at 10pm sharp they were sizzling and brian was popping some champagne. It was an entirely decadent moment. We sang in 3 part harmony, canons, and old favorites, told stories, ranted about weddings, and enjoyed ourselves.

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