Friday, August 4, 2017

Storm Day (118/365a)

A day of surprise storms.

Early in the morning, Felix and I do laundry. We are excited about the warm sun and the slight breeze which seems to be drying our laundry nearly instantly. It’s nearly dry.

Felix and me working
Brian heads out with Henry for outhouse supplies and as soon as they are gone the thunderstorm finally arrives. I am determined to finish dinner outside over a roaring fire, only to be rewarded by being entirely soaked and dinner still not done. 
Outside attempt
The smoke is mixing with driving rain in my face, and I am finally convinced to try our emergency ration of propane and finish cooking indoors wearing Brian’s clothes. It starts to rain inside. I have all my brain-cells full trying to entertain the kids. The rain stops about 10 minutes before Brian comes back. He is surprised to find us in the house, candles lit, reading stories and playing cards. “Did it rain here? We didn’t get any rain on the way”
Inside attempt

The rain: not fully impressive without being able to hear it and see the wind
when the rain stops

Well, it turns out – it HAD rained here – quite hard! – and now the new paper calendar that we had hung outside, and our laundry too!, was on the ground, pretty wet. All four of my boys say “Mama, we TOLD you not to hang it outside.” Well, thanks.
my beautiful wet laundry dripping to the ground

It rains again while Brian is here. They huddle under the roof on the balcony to watch the storm and the unbelievable wind. They get wet anyways. We decide it’s time for a very early night. – Bedtime before 7pm

watching the rain
Late at night, after we had all gone to sleep we heard the door open (creak-free, since I had oiled it) and in popped – surprise! – my mama and papa! Hoorah! They offered to go get us some light sheets and blankets they had brought us for covers, since the temperatures are so hot right now, but the moment they had spoken, the storm broke, as crazy as ever, and the others headed up to watch from the balcony. They got wet too, but the red wine made up for it. Eventually I crawled out of my sleeping bag and joined them. Then Brian and I tried to finish the books we were reading. Brian won. I fell asleep before the end of Part I of Tales from the Wayside Inn. 

oooh, and a fun art project, a pistachio shell necklace. if you try to make holes in pistachio shells they crack..... UNLESS.... you soak them in water first. Then it's easy. The string we saved from the bag of flour. good project to do in the rain since it doesn't matter if it gets wet. it was also henry's project, but i did it all. haha.

making holes


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