Thursday, August 17, 2017

Concord Contra (131/365a)

I haven't been sleeping enough, so I really should go to sleep early today.
We spent the morning teaching Hugh some contra dance moves, all hands on deck, us, kids, labeeby.
We listened to some fiddle music. We said goodbye to Katelyn and Onkel Ludwig and sent them off on their long-weekend hike. - A vacation together - fancy!

The Wayside Inn called. One of the people working at the place had heard me sounding quite desperate for the Longfellow book so he brought in his personal copy for them to sell to me. It's coming in the mail and then Caroline and Angel can switch copies with my parents when it gets here.

Then I decided in favor of a late night. Contra in Concord was calling my name. The highlight was a double contra dance, where 2 couples progress together that the four of us did simultaneously. Really great calling by Tony Parkes, who's written books on calling, which Brian proceeded to order. Best basics teaching we've ever heard/seen. Also, "feet" was listed as an instrument for the band #fangirl (owen morrison with the figments)

double date!

gorgeous skies
high energy dance!

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