Friday, August 25, 2017

Doing Day(139/365a)

the last see-saw ride on the water-barrel see-saw. now it uses a giant rock as a pivot, which is much better

We have had no impetus of ANY KIND to do any of the things we wanted to do. I mean... i guess we could put a screen on the outhouse... or we could lay in the grass and soak up the sun. I mean... i guess we could fix the hole in the wall.... or we could sit by the fire and read. I mean.... i guess we could water the garden.... or we could eat watermelon by the brook. 

This applies even to wonderful things... I guess we could learn to do perspective drawing... or not. we could write poetry... or not. take pictures on film... or not. practice 9 hours a day... or not.

But my parents are coming, and I had promised them several things. So Drew gave us the extra push, and off we went, starting and finishing fun things all day. Brian and Drew brought up a stone for the doorstep (replacing one of slowly rotting wood)
before rock carrying
after rock carrying
i finally added the screen. Drew "inVENTed" a vent for the outhouse made with boards and ingenuity, a side of him I really admire.

And the best thing of all? Theodore and Henry worked together to create out of scrap pieces and creativity a "flying suit" (a stick propeller nailed to a piece of board and belted on with a piece of my old pant-legs) for Felix's heart bear.

working together
Drew left after a delicious meal made with rice-noodles left over from before Rainer moved to Thailand. It's fun to use up last little bits of things.

After the kids went to sleep we though we would stay up and wait for my parents. We walked through the soybean field and lay there to watch the stars, looking for constellations which we still can't spot. It was very romantic until we heard a really weird munching sound. It sounded strangely close but we couldn't see anything. We moved our headlight around until we found out what made the sound.... a soybean-eating skunk about 2 feet away from us. We left the romantic spot quickly but silently and were off to sleep before my parents arrived.

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