Monday, August 7, 2017

a lazy monday (121/365a)

It was a grand day of laziness. It seems to be a theme on this blog, but it's fun!

As brian is pointing out: I’m writing this Laura Ingalls Wilder – style…. By an oil lamp… with my laptop battery. Haha.

We had delicious food all throughout the day. All things fresh from the garden, and stewed properly over the fire. There would be a picture of my coffee brewing from this morning, except that while taking a picture I knocked it down and spilled stuff. No use crying over spilled milk.
That's ok, i had my coffee on the geodome with Felix.
and Henry snapped a picture
We went mushroom hunting because Brian found a gigantic beautiful mushroom at the base of a tree, but we failed to identify it.
coming back with firewood
I sawed a branch into wheels for Theodore’s wooden 4x4. Felix wants me to make and add wheels to the dome for a “chitty chitty dome dome” he also wants wheels. It’s ok if it doesn’t have a boat. He wants to fly the dome to contra “next time”

Brian and I worked on learning “Arkansas Traveler” together. That was fun. He gets to try to follow along to music and keep count while switching guitar chords and keeping time. J
new contraband

Dinner was really yummy tonight. We all took turn scraping out the pan. Probably because it was 100% from the garden (except for olive oil)
eggplants are ripe

This evening was magical around the fire. We first took turns throwing cardboard into the fire (more fun than it sounds!) and then we sang all kinds of songs and read stories by lamplight. It’s actually somehow more lovely to read by lamp or candle than by headlight or electric light. The kids stay calmer. We could head to bed a little earlier because I found a way to hang a towel as a curtain over the window to block the setting sunlight.

Things we are fighting against right now that aren’t actually all that bad…
  • ·         A slow water filter.
  • ·         Noisy houseflies. (also outside, haha)
  • ·         Occasional biting insects.
  • ·         Some prickers in the grass.

---- Overall ….. NOTHING! No bad problems, just happy.

1 comment:

  1. Not only are you a total babe, you are highly skilled at many things. Catching up on your blog only intensifies my missing of you, friend.
