Friday, August 18, 2017

Driving Day with Hammock Ending (132/365a)

Stalled all morning leaving the house. Finally got out the door, drove the wrong way, decided to get an inspection sticker, got un-rejected (they skipped the inspection and told us to come back later to avoid a RED-R sticker) got stuck in traffic, but kids were in a good mood.
happy and patient!

the erie canal playground complete with curious george that we've read 1000 times

Got to Stringer Brook, changed my clothes and left alone to Ithaca, initially thinking I would contra, but the 2 hour drive took nearly 3 hours. Found a CD that Nick had made me in college, with Linkin Park, David Grey, Simon and Garfunkel and many others. Fun to listen to old favorites. 

Spent the evening in the hammock, which was so comfortable I decided to spend the night in it despite worries of mosquitos. I made a little nest for myself and cuddled up comfy and so happy under the pergola and under the stars.

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