Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Caroline and Angel's Wedding (129/365a)

10 years ago, Angel and Caroline got married with only Caroline's parents in attendance, and for 10 years, Angel and Caroline have said they would have a wedding with wedding party later for family and friends. So on their exact 10 year anniversary (falling on a Tuesday) they did.

They celebrated at the Wayside Inn, the site of the night that inspired Longfellow to write his Tales. We just finished reading them and wrote a postlude of the thing for the wedding couple, who is now forever part of Wayside Inn history. Actually my father and I wrote it. My father gave me the big push to finish it, writing the structure and outline because I had gotten stymied by the process. Hours of printing and formatting and cutting. I wanted to glue it into the book, but the book was sold out (!!). I nearly cried. It's ok, Brian read it aloud to thunderous applause.

We decided against taking the kids.
Instead they stayed home with my parents
learning the rules of chess

ringing the wedding bells - 10 times
cake cutting with their cute kids
on the way back we passed the old mill next door and decided to sneak in afterhours for a long exposure shot. There was nothing to put the camera on other than the floodlight, and my camera was out of battery, but we got one.
aww.... people will say we're in love

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