Sunday, August 6, 2017

my parents leave again (120/365a)

Fire starts easily today. Mama and I bet about whether the bialetti coffee pot will percolate on top of a cast iron pan on the fire. Mama says no, never, and I say, yes it will, before the water pot (sitting directly in the flames) boils. I’m right! Coffee is sooo good today. Oatmeal with cinnamon for breakfast. Brian notices the coconut oil that he uses sometimes is solid “Colder than 75degrees” We contemplate making a thermometer out of different cooking fats and oils.
post-coffee morning snooze

Ever since we arrived we’ve been looking forward to the Contra today, in Fayetteville.  Open mic, families welcome. We drive there, passing a nice little farm-stand with cucumbers for everyone across the street where we can fill up the tires in our car.

At contra there are only 2 cars in the parking lot. There aren’t many more people than that in the hall either. Our kids are hyper and loud. We feel bad, but we’ve driven over an hour so we dance enthusiastically and try to ignore the loudly fighting children. Theodore can dance independently, and he does some dances. One funny guy called a dance with a “grumpy walk” as a move. Another guy called one where everyone in the circle got to lead the circle anywhere they wanted. After Felix got to be the leader he didn’t want to hold hands in the circle anymore. They were very nice people. If I had two bodies and 10 hands I would have wanted to dance and play fiddle and maybe accompany on the guitar all at once.

We come home to find the farmer had mowed our grass, and Mama had found more chanterelles. “I left all the “big” ones.” Mama and Papa head out for the rest of the week.

Zucchini and bread and chanterelles for dinner. Singing for after-dinner snack. Life is good!

dinner time!

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