Tuesday, August 8, 2017

library day (122/365a)

Spent the morning on a long walk. First one on my own at 6:30. Then one with everyone at 9am.

Between the walks, I got my bialetti!
with real fire-sponsered milchschaum
We went "thimbleberry" hunting ... They are like velvety raspberries that taste like icecream. The leaves look like a cross between maple and grape, and the flowers look like giant purple wild roses. SOOO good, and we finally identified a major food group from my childhood.

The kids made oatmeal with the berries, as second breakfast, so it was no surprise they weren't that hungry for lunch. But lunch was so good - Yes, I know how many times I have been talking about food lately.

....And we built a fort. It's one way to air and sun the sleeping bags!


At the library for internet today (even with pre-written entries, about 2 hours!). Turned up in time for "Dino Day" Fun for kids. Felix and Brian went on alone to town to pick up some necessary things - We need candles! Also a glove for the fire because I burned the other one.
explaining that the fossils they're looking for in the sand are real, and not plastic.
henry thinking
theodore thinking

1 comment:

  1. You should send the company that Bialetti pic. It would make such a great ad!
