Thursday, August 10, 2017

The day I thought I forgot my camera (124/365a)

This evening around the fire we talked about the fallacy of the “extra hour” – the stuff we all think we would do “if we just had time” and noticed was have all the time in the world and are actually quite content to let projects sit on the back burner and just laze about.

We basically spent the day building little mini rafts for toy trucks, and Brian and I attempted to start a cello chair for Henry. We’ll see if we can finish it… ever.

I thought I forgot my camera, so I wasn't taking pictures of anything. When we were getting ready to pack up, I found it wrapped in a bandanna. 
Felix took a picture of me, and I took a picture of Felix.

kids being kids <3

We left a watermelon down at the brook for tomorrow, nice and chilled for when our visitors get here.

1 comment:

  1. Based on the eyes, I'd have to say you and Felix are definitely related. :)
