Wednesday, August 9, 2017

eierschwammerlsuchentag (123/365a)

We started the day in at the brook in the morning, with coffee and breakfast by the water, and some blueberries from the blueberry and cucumber farm stand down the road (some house that seems to have extra of those two things)
playing around before breakfast
playing around after breakfast

While I cooked fire
Brian made me my oatmeal

Brian also found a fungus on a log called “dead man’s fingers” yuck!
ewww.... "dead man's fingers"
Speaking of fungus, today I decided to learn how to hunt chanterelles. I know how to identify them, but I still can’t find them. On several occasions I went into the woods and looked and came back empty handed. I am trying to train my eyes. Felix went into the woods whining about something. Came back with his hands full of them. I couldn’t believe it. I asked him to show me where they were. He just said “in the woods!” We chopped them up and made popcorn over the fire. They were terrific that way!
four of them

I still have to practice making campfire popcorn, but I’m sure I can learn.
will it pop or burn?

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