Saturday, June 30, 2018

over-scheduled (83/365b)


we were a "gift" (english, not german) for the protestant bishop who is retiring from public service. after a rather long ceremony, for which we waited, happily confined in the cool basement game room away from the sun, we went out, found irmtraud (who was part of the ceremony) and played our favorite songs. i played on my other viola, from which i had unwound the gut (baroque) strings and rewound with old normal strings, one of which promptly unwound, and got worse and worse and harder and harder to play, going out of tune at every song. klaus had just had a jaw operation and was in unbelieveable pain (had no painkillers, because he couldn't play) the sun was beating down on us, in spite of the umbrellas, which weren't tall enough to put right over us, because our bows would hit them. and yet everyone said we played well, and lots of people asked for our card.

meanwhile i missed the kid's end-of-the-year choir concert, which was happening at the same time.

felix and ronja right up front.
then all of them, the foersters, my boys, and the richters went to a vegan festival. i was still doing music entertainment, and then there was breakdown and snacks in the sun before it was time to go home. i got home while it was still light but the kids were already asleep.

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