Friday, June 29, 2018

perfect day (81/365b)

just a perfect family day. stayed home with felix. "no coffee now, mama, you said you were going to  clean up, so go clean up. look, here's a mess, and here's a mess." i wrote a nice long letter to my mama, and felix and i built with the polydrons. we were outside a lot too, it was such a nice day.
we also invented backwards and upsidedown football in the house. we have a very long kitchen, and we stand with our backs to each other at opposite ends of the room and try to get a goal (to the other wall) without the ball getting off the ground, using our heels to kick and looking down between our legs to see. it's not so easy!

 when the other kids got back, we were very relaxed, didn't go out of our way to find things to do. it was their last homework of the school year, and after that they wanted to play games,
so we did.

and hangout

and read
and eat lots of fruit
(and in the background an octagonal house for heart bear
and just a small amount of the artwork theodore and henry brought back from their school year)

and we took a lovely bikeride to rosenhain, after theodore's singschule, even though felix took a good hard fall on the way down the hill, and scraped his side and his leg really badly on the gravel. a really nice lady came running down the hill and took felix inside, cleaned his wounds, gave him a big bandaid, and an apple. he didn't speak a word, but afterwards, he told me he loved that lady.

in the evening, when all were fast asleep, brian and i went for a nice long walk, under what appeared would be a clear night, but as the sun finished setting and the sky got darker, more and more clouds appeared. we spoke of how scheduling can alleviate stress, but also cause stress.

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