Wednesday, June 27, 2018

morning museum date (80/365b)

Early morning with a big effort to get soup and bread to kindergarten on time. When I went to pick the kids up in the afternoon, there was no bread left, and the kids were fighting over the precious last crumbs... It had Za'atar on it, and I guess that's a special taste that left them wanting more.

During kindergarten time, we went to the museum of natural history in downtown, to see the (s)exibit... the long running gallery showcasing all types of reproduction. Mostly it was stuff I had heard about at some point, but here it was all in one place, very vividly written, and shown. 

the poor mule has to look at the artwork depicting different types of cicada penises (stolen photo from online)
the school kids beat us home, where i stayed long enough to grab the car keys. a quick trip to kindergarten, and back, leaving felix with the foeresters, and getting home just in time for barbara to pick me up for rehearsal, which lasted not so terribly long. so spontaneously we just made a little snack evening (snacks courtesy of nina, elderflower champagne courtesy of centa)
and evening snack date
reading Yann Martel's Pear-Dialogue from Beatrice and Vergil

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