Tuesday, June 5, 2018

the long way home (58/365b)

i think i need new pencils for school......

i almost forgot to pick up the kids at school today. they usually come home by themselves, and i was having such a nice breakfast coffee with nina that i lost track of time a little bit. they waited for me however, and i took them to their swimming class. while i had an hour to myself, i went to get theodore a button down shirt at the second hand shop, he wanted a light blue one. a lady grabbed the only one right 1 second before my hand got to it. instead i bought tons of books, which i then carried in one arm the rest of our trip. the bill came to 5euros, which is exactly what i had in my wallet (in small change, and then my wallet was empty)

little shops with the kids on the way, like another second hand shop, and a libro stop to get henry more pencils for school.

we were very hungry when we got home. brian had made chana masala, which was so so yummy.

alois dropped off a gigantic trailor in a double favor: he gets to store it here for a few days, and we get to fill it up with hedge clippings which will be magically transported away. we chatted a long time on the stairs until it was well past a good time to take children in to sleep.

stayed in for a marx brothers movie (night at the opera) with nina and centa and brian made popcorn which was also so so yummy.

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