Monday, June 25, 2018

radio helsinki, graz (78/365b)

I have no time for any more stuff on monday.... unless it's a radio interview at 7:30am. ok, i'll make time for that. :) little things went wrong before we started, the microphone didn't work right away, and things like that, but when it started things were fine. we took the first 15minutes or so to kind of warm up to answering questions, but then after that it was ok. i guess the u-boot (andi and the kids on the way to kindergarten) listened to the interview with glee.
radio helsinki is not in finland, it's a private indie radio station based in graz with an ear/skull-and-crossbones as symbol. the interviewer's show is called "coffee with willnauer" although he didn't have any coffee for us until we went out afterwards. i knew him from before, from when i went to a cabaret party in the bader's basement, right after moving to graz, but i doubt he remembered me from then. he was pretty funny, and a great talker.
barbara and irmtraud pre-interview and pre-coffee 
brian saved me from carrying my viola all around town in the rain by bringing it (and theodore's violin) straight to the conservatory. it gave me a little bit of time to have coffee with the people too, after the interview.

i wasn't ready to do anything specific lesson-wise, but that was ok, there's plenty of technical things to work on anyways. the next question was how to get all the stuff *home* again... 3 bikes, 3 people, 3 backpacks, two instruments, only one basket. somehow i balanced an instrument on the front and the back.

brian had dinner ready when we got home, and as soon as we were done eating i lay down and fell asleep. i've been really tired! i slept till pilates, went right there, came back, and went right back to sleep.

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