Sunday, June 24, 2018

sometimes you don't want to... (77/365b)

i was just too tired to want to do anything.
quintet rehearsed again all morning, very productively, and then theodore had the last show of midsummer night's dream. i didn't go see it, though i could have. also it was barbara's last show at the opera. :( just not in the mood to be part of that. instead i hid in a coffee shop. meanwhile, brian and the others were at a bbq with kindergarten people, and i didn't want to do that either, so although we could have done that when theodore got done, and i picked him up, we chose to just go home and play fun stuff. we read some books, and together we finished the teenytiny metal earth dragonfly model. it turned out super cute. then it was a very long time bath night, and i fell asleep at 9pm reading to the kids. i can't seem to stay awake for anything. (yes, i remembered to take my iron pill) ;)

cute, huh?

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