Thursday, June 21, 2018

apprenticed to a pirate (74/365b)

pirate felix - self cut hair, self-cut clothes not pictured
i was awoken this morning to find that felix had cut holes in his pajama pants and cut the sleeves off his shirt (and was wearing those sleeve parts as anklets) so that he could be a pirate. he told me in no uncertain terms that i was to make him an eye patch immediately. i didn't think that was an early morning activity, but then he said please. so i did. off we went to kindergarten...

....except there was no kindergarten - kindergarten was canceled today, because they are having the kindergarten inspector in to look at the new place, and decide if they can be accepted as real. poor felix, all dressed up for kindergarten, and there was none. he stayed with the foersters while i went to meet up with renate in town, which was quite nice, although it was such a short meeting. she is dealing with the aftermath of a fire in one of the apartments that she rents out below the one her elderly mother lives in. started with a laptop.

thomas had tickets for the rehearsal for the opening of styriarte, the fux opern fest, so i went to that.
they played the baroque opera "julo ascanio" by j.j.fux but more interesting was that they basically recreated a big party that was given for some kaiser years ago. so the event started a few hours before the opera and went a few hours after. it included a very mini and modernized "baroque garden" complete with human sized dressed up bumblebee butterfly things with papermache human anatomy.
stolen from the styriarte website
stolen from the kleine zeitung
the opera itself was wonderful (except for the awful constantly moving projected psycadelic background) the singers were terrific. at the last minute thomas wrote that he had one extra ticket, so i called isabella, and she had a great time too. the baroque singing style is one she really loves. then there was a post concert reception under an unnaturally completely green sky, more music, more acting, and we talked about dreams until late and biked home. i was admittedly quite high on music when i got home, and noticed the biotrash had to be taken out tonight, so i started clipping the hedges in the rain, to the sound of an undulating car in a parking spot nearby.

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