Saturday, June 2, 2018

shopping therapy and wine therapy (55/365b)

we had a 20%off coupon to the grocery store on any purchase (up to 300e) so we stocked up for a long time on beer, wine and alcohol. why make things too easy? lets take three kids and five bikes and make a trip out of it. i think the cashier is used to seeing people stock up on alcohol and meat, but since we don't eat meat, we stocked up on pasta. since pasta is so very cheap per pound, we ended up with a lot of pounds. which we all had to carry back.

First time using a cart since we moved here...

Everything had to fit on our bikes and our backs.
even the kids have a few pounds with them.
In the evening we had a wine and cheese and board game (and cake!) evening with Manuela. We played set, and stone age, and quixo, and Manuela won all of them. The kids were all not in such a good game mood that night, that is, they were actively trying not to play well together... But we tried until it got too crazy, then Brian brought them to sleep. Manuela waited out a very intense rain storm before leaving... in the meantime we talked about books and other things, including reading some very strange Italo Calvino Italian Fairy Tales, which I know from child hood. I had bought Brian a complete edition some time ago, and some are quite charming, but others are more scary than anything.

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