Saturday, June 23, 2018

we are the champions (76/365b)

we are the champions!
that's the song we recorded today. sophia played it with us for the first time early this morning (arrival at 9:15, too early!) we rehearsed it, recorded it, did makeup, video shooting, and then watched the football match between germany and sweden, part of the world cup. germany won in the last 20seconds of the game. it was very exciting to watch the game with a very invested german sitting beside us, shouting/crying when things went right/wrong.

best behind the scenes picture
balancing on the edge of the pool in stilettos, and no-one fell in.

a little bit of glam

i was unbelievably tired when i got home, it wasn't even 11pm yet, but i fell asleep in the car in the 15minutes it takes to drive home.

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