Wednesday, June 13, 2018

quintet antics (66/365b)


The morning was first a bit stressful, getting the Finnish boys all out the door at the right time to get to their bus on time. One of them forgot half of their luggage and had to go back. One of them asked "where the bathroom is" before we left, which confused me, as they have been sleeping here for 2 nights and 2 mornings.... hm. interesting.

I was supposed to meet Barbara right there and then, but some other things came up, so I spent an hour and a half walking around Moser. Then we met to take some quintet photos for our series about our quintet's favorite places in Graz. I wanted to have my picture taken in front of Paulustor, but instead I got confused and took my picture in front of the Burgtor. So much for being my favorite place, if I don't even recognize it. I changed my mind and showed Barbara the doppelwendeltreppe instead. 

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