Wednesday, June 20, 2018

happy 14th anniversary (72/365b)

we've been married for 14 years now.

anniversary midnight snack:
fried leftover polenta, the last of a bottle of lillet and some yums from our favorite foofoofarmer

it's hard to believe that we've been together for half my life, but so it is. 
and with kids, jobs, other things, sometimes anniversaries are barely acknowledged, but with or without acknowledgement, they come and go. tonight at 11:30pm after a very full day of swimming and rehearsals, and back-and-forths, and parent-teacher-conference, we finally saw each other with no distractions or any need for multitasking. how nice!

(for henry's parent-teacher-conference, he got to fill out his own reportcard, saying how he felt about various aspects of school, learning, and specific curiculum points. we determined we were very proud of him. strangest thing, he noted "we didn't have books at home.".... so i went and got him a library card after swimming class, a day after getting theodore his own library card)

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