Sunday, July 1, 2018

let's go for a nice little hike! (84/365b)

i don't think i've ever in my years of hiking had such a beautiful weather as today...
 went with the foersters other than jackie. i stalled in the morning, because i wanted more coffee.
we took the real train one stop, and walked up from judendorf-strassengel, over frauenkogel, over to the burgruine and down to the bus and home.

we found a beautiful parasol and brought it home to jackie where we ate it.

it was a little bit of a longer hike than we planned, but everyone stayed in a good mood the whole time.
my boys
felix and zorrah
felix had a new rule, if he gave you a flower, you were in love with someone.
i got a flower because i was in love with brian.
brian got a flower because he was in love with me.
zorrah got a flower because she was in love with felix.
theodore and ronja egg fighting
new sunhats from the trail

posing, because i hadn't taken 1000 pictures already 

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