Friday, June 1, 2018

fighting day (54/365b)

I can't believe it's the first of june! it's unbelievable that time is flying by so fast, with nary anything to show for it, somehow.

when there are 3 kids in the family there are a lot of possibilities for fights to ensue. i didn't count, but i think we ran through all the combinations. even on days like this there are times of calm and contentment...
like when there's icecream (2 ingredients: frozen bananas and frozen raspberries)
everyone wants to eat out of the cap of the food processor
then at night time, after they went to bed, brian and i went out to a bar to watch a band play. it was fun to go together, but man was it smokey and loud. i wore earplugs and still had to step outside for a song or two. we danced, we drank, we chatted, and biked home content.

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