Friday, June 22, 2018

mozart requiem (75/365b)

got to go for a nice walk with nina after breakfast this morning. i really needed it. fresh air and sunlight and such things. found theodore and henry on their way home from school and took them inside for a quick bite to eat before one last performance of david and goliath, from which i left directly to the requiem at the herz-jesu-kirche.
andrea's picture, that she used for advertising today's event
better than the ones i took for showing my kids in action.
i love run-throughs, except when they are directly before a concert: play the mozart requiem, run to the bathroom (where you wait in line because everyone also is going) and then play the mozart requiem again. UGG.
chorus warming up....
perspective makes the choir look mighty small.
walked back to isabella's place with her (right around the corner from the concert) and then walked slowly and with lots of effort to where pauli lives (far away, when one is carrying a giant bag and a viola case), and chatted with him about emotions, life, love, politics, books, music, feelings, yoga, and the religion of the coconut.

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