Tuesday, June 19, 2018

fete de la musique de (71/365b)

viola x4, marin marais/garth knox
all morning lessons.
all afternoon singing.
all evening concert.

(and it was hot)

the boys met me after chorus for the concert, which i promised would be an hour, but after a start that was 15min late, and 20 minutes of talking (in french), and 25 minutes of french songs, we were one item into the program... right around then, brian got there too, having left felix with centa for the evening (a very happy evening i heard it was) and there was still surely 2 hours to go. and our piece was last. i begged to get them to make a last minute change and they obliged. stopped for ice-cream on our way home. passed my pilates classmates on my way home, just finishing their class.

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