Monday, June 11, 2018

mother and son in concert (64/365b)

lots of stuff for a single day. theodore and i were playing in elke's student recital today, and we both had some private time to prepare for that. theodore and henry did singing too. and i had to go get presents for felix's birthday tomorrow. somehow the back and forths on trams, buses, bikes and by foot all worked, and we played a lovely concert, although felix started crying right before i played so brian didn't get to hear me.
waiting to play
i played Bridge's Lament for two violas with Bettina, played Vieuxtemp Elegie, and Theodore played a tarantella.

brian and i took the kids home and i left directly to pilates, which left me very tired and sore, and I went out for drinks afterwards, but right as mine arrived, I got a text from Brian that meant I had to quickly get the car and pick up the Finnish boys. cantores minores is a choir from helsinki that is doing a tour of austria right now, and graz is their first stop. we are hosting 4 of the 60 boys for the next two nights. They were fun and friendly, and we left them on their own. we made bets about how long they would stay up, but they went to bed at 11pm on the dot without either of us saying a word.

carried felix home in concert dress, barefoot. :)

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