Wednesday, June 6, 2018

work wednesday (59/365b)

my work is playing around, but that doesn't mean there's no effort involved....

the whole morning, barbara and i brainstormed for new projects, quintet and beyond. i'm excited there may be trips coming up, and concert series, and music projects galore.


the afternoon was just homework and singing and all the fun things rolled into one. fritz leaned over the fence at 6pm with his arms full of rhubarb... there is a cake in his future. later i found one stalk had fallen to the ground before it reached me, and i tried to throw it up to henry in the window, but it landed in the plum tree instead where it will just have to stay.


the evening was philip and i fiddle jamming - i still have a long way to go to get up to speed enough for the whole band.

henry was so excited to make a painting on an old board.
the exact quote running upstairs was:
"i love when there is artwork that i am going to do"

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