Saturday, June 9, 2018

retro (62/365b)

a day without camera, because i didn't charge it.

i played for the school's first communion today... one of the other moms had said that last year she had been so hung over that she could barely stand, due to weird extenuating circumstances, although she doesn't really party or drink. and this year, after "yesterday's" 3am homecoming and the beginnings of a severe migraine, i wasn't much better. i really did hold my hand in front of my eyes and cry "the sun, it burns" ... then i cried and cried during the ceremony, and set off the big strong manly artist guy sitting at the keyboard too. first he gave me a handkerchief, and then i caught him red eyed and emotional. afterwards we had oblaten cake in the garden, and i used theodore's instax camera to capture some cool little prints.

godmother extraordinaire.

strawberries in the strawberry bowl, flowers we stole from the ball, the candle centa made, theodore's necktie, and the oblaten cake, and of course theodore himself.

felix standing on the swing

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