Saturday, June 16, 2018

dancing in the street (69/365b)

very cute snowman sculpture

theodore is not here today. i missed him right away in the morning. he'll be back tomorrow, but i won't see him until monday morning. :(

i went to practice the marin marais with the other 3 violists, starting at 12:30. it felt so early though. for some reason i couldn't get motivated. 

then the opera sponsered a street festival, with ballet dancers doing modern interpretive dance to baroque music played on period instruments in various hidden spots around the city. waiting for brian, and the kids, i watched the same dance 3 times in a row, then got myself an ice cream cone and kept waiting. eventually they got there, and we walked on to watch some more. it was really terrific.
dancing on gravel, starting from the ground

quiet before the begin

then we found that the technical university had boats set up in the fountain area beim eisernen tor. we had to try them out. they went paddling on their own after a little gentle encouragement.

it's going to "woggle" but it's not going to sink.
paddling in the park

then a quick home and change for the concert and leave again.

andrea, our conductor, in full gala wear, with score, sitting on the ground relaxing before the concert starts
this is how music culture should be
i decided to video the violas playing the movement with the "whales" in it, and i did, and we played really well, but when i got done i found out i had pressed *stop* when we started to play and *start* when we were done, so i had the next movement recorded. not what i wanted. we went out afterwards, to see the mur river rounders play at an irish pub. it was loud. michi went home before midnight but i stayed till 1, and talked to lots of new people. i'm socially awkward at things like that, but i do like people watching, and there are lots of expats at irish pubs here.

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